Perv by Dakota Gray (Book review)

Perv (Filth, #1)  
Book Title: Perv
Series: Filth 1
Genre: Erotica
Author: Dakota Gray
Purchase: AMAZON | B&N

Book Overview

I'm honest about what I am. You want to screw until you can't see straight? I'm your guy. You want to experience the best oral orgasm of your life, don't pass go and collect two-hundred dollars. Eating you for dessert is my specialty. I live for that. Skinny, average or meat on your bones, I don't care. Blonde, brunette...white, Asian, black...
Are you pink where it counts? Then you're my type.
I'm your guy.
For the duration of our affair, I will call you Sugar because I can't bother to retain your name.
That's the kind of man I am, and you will know that going in. I make sure of it.
So it's not my fault her friend loved me, but She is going to make me pay for that.
And I'm too addicted to her taste to walk away.

My Review

All through out the book I felt like my brows were so close to kissing each other. The book was on the heroes POV (mostly) and basically, he is a fuckboy. A bachelor and whatever else you call a guy who grabs the girl he wants and then drops 'em when he is done. The book was pretty entertaining and there was so much humor. That was what I love.

I was only partial to the intense scenes because I had a hung up since I started reading the book. It's not the books' fault really, it's just that I've had this sick feeling about not liking the way they'll end the relationship plus the secret that was too conflicting to guess added to my worry. How that would affect the intense scenes? I don't know. I have always been futuristic and I do not like it, when even if I wasn't the one performing the sexual activity, I still find myself overthinking it even if the characters doesn't.

Nate and Stealth. They were too explosive to let it go for just one minor reason. At least I think it was only minor. Also, can I just add that I sometimes find Nate's friends annoying? And surely if I finally read their stories it would even be more interesting if my view of them changes. On that note, I thought the book was great and it's worth recommending.