Book Title: Road Tripped Series: Ad Agency Series 1
Genre: Contemporary Romance Author: Nicole Archer Purchase Book: AMAZON | B&N
Book Overview
What’s worse than losing everything? Try driving a phallic-shaped RV across the country with a vile womanizing coworker.Copywriter Callie Murphy has a bad attitude, a vicious tongue, and a serious aversion to Shimura Advertising’s resident manwhore, Walker Rhodes. Know where he can stick his good looks and Southern charm? She can think of a few creative places. Avoiding him wouldn’t be a problem, except her boss threatens to fire her if she doesn’t go along with him on their RV client’s cross-country tour.
Burnt-out art director, Walker, is sick of his job, tired of women, and in a big old creative rut. The upcoming client road trip is just what he needs to shake things up and rediscover his lost passion. But his plans go south when his partner drops out at the last minute, and Callie, the foul-mouthed tiny terror, takes her place. Unless he can find a way to thaw his icy coworker, he’s looking at two month’s of pure hell.
On the road, they experience one hilarious misadventure after another and soon find themselves on a life-changing journey. But when their paths veer off in different directions, will they hit a dead end?
Fun facts about the book
- Callie’s character was based on the writer and poet Dorothy Parker.
- A Spotify Playlist soundtrack goes along with the book. Links are clickable from Internet enabled devices.
- The creative muse is the embedded theme.
- The author is a copywriter in real life, and the scenarios and people are realistic (some experienced first-hand).
- It took a month of research to plan Callie and Walker’s trip.
A dissecting blue glare hit him. He groaned. “Christ, now what?”
“Out of curiosity? Do you come on to every woman you meet?”
He draped an arm over the back of the booth. “Aw, Bluebell, are you jealous of that sweet waitress?”
“Oh, yeah,” she said, examining her fingernails. “Horribly.”
“I was just being friendly is all. Not that you’d know what that is.”
“Friendly?” She rubbed her chin. “Is that the hillbilly translation for acting like a dick?”
Getting all bent out of shape wouldn’t do him any good—that’d just give her more ammunition. He needed to stay calm or at least appear to be calm. He stretched his legs in the aisle and put his hands behind his head. “I know it’s difficult, Bluebell, but try to focus on something besides my dick.”
“It’s hard when it’s over six feet and spewing bullshit.”
“Oh, it’s hard and spewing all right.”
With a loud exaggerated sigh, she stuck the menu in front of her face, cutting off eye contact, as well as his awesome retort.
After a peaceful few minutes of Callie shutting her pie hole, the waitress returned for their order. “Tell me about the Intercourse special, pretty girl.” He dialed up the Cheese-a-Tron 3000 for his coworker’s benefit. Poppy chattered on about the amazing steak until his ears bled.
“Perfect, darlin.’ We’ll have two of those. Medium rare.” He handed the menu back. “Can’t wait to see what you have for dessert.” He winked. It was kind of an asshole thing to do, leading her on, but pissing off Callie gave him such a perverse thrill.
“Perfect, darlin.’ We’ll have two of those. Medium rare.” He handed the menu back. “Can’t wait to see what you have for dessert.” He winked. It was kind of an asshole thing to do, leading her on, but pissing off Callie gave him such a perverse thrill.
An ice cube hit him in the head. “Ow!” He rubbed his head. “Are you insane? Do I need to hide sharp objects from you?”
“Did you just fucking order for me?”
“Thought you could use a nice big piece of meat. Not sure how you’re gonna eat it though with that filthy mouth of yours.”
She gripped the table. “Ever consider I was a vegetarian.”
Of course she was. “No wonder you’re so violent.”
Bogus laughter roared out. Eventually, she stopped and wiped fake tears from her eyes with both middle fingers. “God, you’re funny.”
They narrowed their eyes and glared at each other. Heat surged through him. What was it about that little hellcat that made him want her so bad? Clearly, she hated him.
In view of that, he gathered his scattered wits and headed for the jukebox. “Evil Woman” blasted from blown-out speakers by the bar a moment later. Chuckling, he hurried back to the table to see if the devil had heard her theme song playing. Unfortunately, Poppy showed up right then, bearing juicy steaks and a flirty smile.
“Thanks, beautiful,” he said. “Bet they’re as delicious as you are.”
Callie snorted. “Un-fucking-believable.”
Poppy frowned and dragged her feet back to the bar.
“Something funny, Bluebell?”
“What the fuck! Why do you keep calling me that?”
“’Cause of those great big blue eyes of yours.” He grinned. “And because you’re so dainty and sweet, just like a bluebell blossom.” The truth? He’d come up with the nickname at the Liberty Bell because her ball busting had given him the blues.
“Cute. I have a pet name for you too, but since you don’t like potty language . . .” She sliced off a piece of steak and stuck it in her mouth.
“Hold on, I thought you were a vegetarian?”
She swallowed and said, “No. I’m a don’t-tell-me-what-to-do-atarian.”
My Review
First book in the series and I am already hyped up. And nope, it wasn't the cute ending that pulled me through. No-no.
I might not have gotten some jokes (or idioms, or sarcasms) that was being spread throughout the book but that didn't mean I didn't giggle and laughed at some of it. Seriously, every time they pull out some funny lines it never failed to crack me. The humor was just that great!
I find Callie annoying at first and believe if or not, while I was doing a chore and I thought of what I was reading and who were the characters in it, I actually forgot her name. I know her more through Walker's pet name and I've labeled her judgmental at some point. Her story was indeed painful. The book was so closed off that I was already anxious to know what is really the secrets of the characters.
Walker's the guy Callie has been judging since, well, forever. Honestly, I'm also pretty surprised by his declarations given the signs that Callie had pointed out while just seeing his cover. He's the laid back guy type with a touch of possessiveness and he is the person that I really appreciate in the book. I couldn't count the times I wanted to hit Callie with my elbows. LITERALLY. And I know how much she hates that word.
I think I might reread this book in the future because of its humor and it's adventure. This made me experience a lot of things on different states just by reading. I believe I am just now introduced to the author and I am just thankful I'm granted this Advance Reader's Copy.
I might not have gotten some jokes (or idioms, or sarcasms) that was being spread throughout the book but that didn't mean I didn't giggle and laughed at some of it. Seriously, every time they pull out some funny lines it never failed to crack me. The humor was just that great!
I find Callie annoying at first and believe if or not, while I was doing a chore and I thought of what I was reading and who were the characters in it, I actually forgot her name. I know her more through Walker's pet name and I've labeled her judgmental at some point. Her story was indeed painful. The book was so closed off that I was already anxious to know what is really the secrets of the characters.
Walker's the guy Callie has been judging since, well, forever. Honestly, I'm also pretty surprised by his declarations given the signs that Callie had pointed out while just seeing his cover. He's the laid back guy type with a touch of possessiveness and he is the person that I really appreciate in the book. I couldn't count the times I wanted to hit Callie with my elbows. LITERALLY. And I know how much she hates that word.
I think I might reread this book in the future because of its humor and it's adventure. This made me experience a lot of things on different states just by reading. I believe I am just now introduced to the author and I am just thankful I'm granted this Advance Reader's Copy.
Nicole Archer’s lengthy career as an advertising copywriter not only
polished her writing skills—it provided a lifetime of book material.
Many months her book purchases are as high as her mortgage. As a
full-time, working single mom of a beautiful, time to do much else, but
work, write, read, drink wine, and breathe. She believes the best books
make you laugh, cry and orgasm. In real life, she lives in Dallas,
Texas, but she’d rather live in Switzerland.
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